閱讀設定(推薦配合 快捷鍵[F11] 進入全屏沉浸式閱讀)


第13部分 (1 / 8)

〃Very clean;〃 said the house doctor。 〃Very clean and nice。〃

〃Urn;〃 said the doctor with the beard。 The third doctor looked over the house doctor's shoulder。

〃Please move the knee;〃 said the bearded doctor。

〃I can't。〃

〃Test the articulation?〃 the bearded doctor questioned。 He had a stripe beside the three stars on his sleeve。 That meant he was a first captain。

〃Certainly;〃 the house doctor said。 Two of them took hold of my right leg very gingerly and bent it。

〃That hurts;〃 I said。

〃Yes。 Yes。 A little further; doctor。〃

〃That's enough。 That's as far as it goes;〃 I said。

〃Partial articulation;〃 said the first captain。 He straightened up。 〃May I see the plates again; please; doctor?〃 The third doctor handed him one of the plates。 〃No。 The left leg; please。〃

〃That is the left leg; doctor。〃

〃You are right。 I was looking from a different angle。〃 He returned the plate。 The other plate he examined for some time。 〃You see; doctor?〃 he pointed to one of the foreign bodies which showed spherical and clear against the light。 They examined the plate for some time。

〃Only one thing I can say;〃 the first captain with the beard said。 〃It is a question of time。 Three months; six months probably。〃

〃Certainly the synovial fluid must re…form。〃

〃Certainly。 It is a question of time。 I could not conscientiously open a knee like that before the projectile was encysted。〃

〃I agree with you; doctor

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