當前位置:筆趣閣>遊戲競技>武器》> 第19部分
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第19部分 (1 / 8)

Miss Van Campen ignored the actual question。 She had to ignore it or leave the room。 She was not ready to leave because she had disliked me for a long time and she was now cashing in。

〃I have known many men to escape the front through self…inflicted wounds。〃

〃That wasn't the question。 I have seen self…inflicted wounds also。 I asked you if you had ever known a man who had tried to disable himself by kicking himself in the scrotum。 Because that is the nearest sensation to jaundice and it is a sensation that I believe few women have ever experienced。 That was why I asked you if you had ever had the jaundice; Miss Van Campen; because……〃 Miss Van Campen left the room。 Later Miss Gage came in。

〃What did you say to Van Campen? She was furious。〃

〃We were paring sensations。 I was going to suggest that she had never experienced childbirth……〃

〃You're a fool;〃 Gage said。 〃She's after your scalp。〃

〃She has my scalp;〃 I said。 〃She's lost me my leave and she might try and get me court…martialled。 She's mean enough。〃

〃She never liked you;〃 Gage said。 〃What's it about?〃

〃She says I've drunk myself into jaundice so as not to go back to the front。〃

〃Pooh;〃 said Gage。 〃I'll swear you've never taken a drink。 Everybody will swear you've never taken a drink。〃

〃She found the bottles。〃

〃I've told you a hundred times to clear out those bottles。 Where are they now?〃

〃In the armoire。〃

〃Have you a suitcase?〃

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