當前位置:筆趣閣>遊戲競技>快樂王子童話集> 第5部分
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第5部分 (1 / 8)

a Green Lin; who was sitting in a willow…tree hard by; and had

overheard the conversation。

〃Yes; that is just what I want to know;〃 said the Duck; and she swam

away to the end of the pond; and stood upon her head; in order to give her

children a good example。

〃What a silly question!〃 cried the Water…rat。 〃I should expect my


The Happy Prince and Other Tales

devoted friend to be devoted to me; of course。〃

〃And what would you do in return?〃 said the little bird; swinging upon

a silver spray; and flapping his tiny wings。

〃I don't understand you;〃 answered the Water…rat。

〃Let me tell you a story on the subject;〃 said the Lin。

〃Is the story about me?〃 asked the Water…rat。 〃If so; I will listen to it;

for I am extremely fond of fiction。〃

〃It is applicable to you;〃 answered the Lin; and he flew down; and

alighting upon the bank; he told the story of The Devoted Friend。

〃Once upon a time;〃 said the Lin; 〃there was an honest little fellow

named Hans。〃

〃Was he very distinguished?〃 asked the Water…rat。

〃No;〃 answered the Lin; 〃I don't think he was distinguished at all;

except for his kind heart; and his funny round good…humoured face。 He

lived in a tiny cottage all by himself; and every day he worked in his

garden。 In all the country…side there was no garden so lovely as his。

Sweet…william grew there; and Gilly…flow

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