當前位置:筆趣閣>遊戲競技>海明威永別了武器> 第32部分
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第32部分 (1 / 8)

〃I don't mean that。 I mean his Italian sneakiness。〃

〃Am I sneaky; Fergy?〃

〃You are。 You're worse than sneaky。 You're like a snake。 A snake with an Italian uniform: with a cape around your neck。〃

〃I haven't got an Italian uniform now。〃

〃That's just another example of your sneakiness。 You had a love affair all summer and got this girl with child and now I suppose you'll sneak off。〃

I smiled at Catherine and she smiled at me。

〃We'll both sneak off;〃 she said。

〃You're two of the same thing;〃 Ferguson said。 〃I'm ashamed of you; Catherine Barkley。 You have no shame and no honor and you're as sneaky as he is。〃

〃Don't; Fergy;〃 Catherine said and patted her hand。 〃Don't denounce me。 You know we like each other。〃

〃Take your hand away;〃 Ferguson said。 Her face was red。 〃If you had any shame it would be different。 But you're God knows how many months gone with child and you think it's a joke and are all smiles because your seducer's e back。 You've no shame and no feelings。〃 She began to cry。 Catherine went over and put her arm around her。 As she stood forting Ferguson; I could see no change in her figure。

〃I don't care;〃 Ferguson sobbed。 〃I think it's dreadful。〃

〃There; there; Fergy;〃 Catherine forted her。 〃I'll be ashamed。 Don't cry; Fergy。 Don't cry; old Fergy。〃

〃I'm not crying;〃 Ferguson sobbed。 〃I'm not crying。 Except for the awful thing you've gotten into。〃 She looked at me。 〃I hate you;〃 she sai

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