當前位置:筆趣閣>遊戲競技>海明威永別了武器> 第39部分
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第39部分 (1 / 8)

〃Yes。 I want to ruin you。〃

〃Good;〃 I said; 〃that's what I want too。〃


We had a fine life。 We lived through the months of January and February and the winter was very fine and we were very happy。 There had been short thaws when the wind blew warm and the snow softened and the air felt like spring; but always the clear hard cold had e again and the winter had returned。 In March came the first break in the winter。 In the night it started raining。 It rained on all morning and turned the snow to slush and made the mountain…side dismal。 There were clouds over the lake and over the valley。 It was raining high up the mountain。 Catherine wore heavy overshoes and I wore Mr。 Guttingen's rubber…boots and we walked to the station under an umbrella; through the slush and the running water that was washing the ice of the roads bare; to stop at the pub before lunch for a vermouth。 Outside we could hear the rain。

〃Do you think we ought to move into town?〃

〃What do you think?〃 Catherine asked。

〃If the winter is over and the rain keeps up it won't be fun up here。 How long is it before young Catherine?〃

〃About a month。 Perhaps a little more。〃

〃We might go down and stay in Montreux。〃

〃Why don't we go to Lausanne? That's where the hospital is。〃

〃All right。 But I thought maybe that was too big a town。〃

〃We can be as much alone in a bigger town and Lausanne might be nice。〃

〃When should we go?〃

〃I don't c

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