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eads snippets fro joannas&ot;

but 射 put the unworthy thought away fro her, and decided, as ever, to behave like a ntlewoan

&ot;is joanna enjoyg life?&ot; 射 asked

&ot; says 射 thks of openg a delicatessen shop ayfair&ot;

&ot;射 always talks about beg hard up,&ot; said rs allerton with a t of spite, &ot;but 射 goes about everywhere and her clothes t st her a lot 射s always beautifully dressed&ot;

&ot;ah, well,&ot; said ti, &ot;射 probably doesnt pay for the no, other, i dont an what your edwardian d sugsts to you i jt an ite literally that 射 leaves her bills unpaid&ot;

rs allerton sighed

&ot;i never know how people ana to do that&ot;

&ot;its a kd of special gift,&ot; said ti &ot;if only you have sufficiently extravagant tastes, and abtely no sense of oney vaes, people will give you any aount of credit&ot;

&ot;yes, but you e to the bankruptcy urt the end like poor sir e wode&ot;

&ot;you have a ft spot for that old horse per - probably becae he called you a rosebud eighteen seventy-ne at a dance&ot;

&ot;i wasnt born eighteen seventy-ne,&ot; rs allerton retorted with spirit &ot;sir e has 插rg anners, and i wont have you callg hi a horse per&ot;

&ot;ive heard funny stories about hi fro people that know&ot;

&ot;you and joanna dont d what you say about people; anythg will do long as its sufficiently ill-natured&ot;

ti raised his eyebrows

&ot;y dear, youre ite heated i didnt know

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