reactivate them。 Iˇve never seen anyone in the Games do that。 I bet it came as a shock even to the Gamemakers。
Well; hurray for the boy from District 3 for putting one over on them; but what am I supposed to do now? Obviously; I canˇt go strolling into that mess without blowing myself sky…high。 As for sending in a burning arrow; thatˇs more laughable than ever。 The mines are set off by pressure。 It doesnˇt have to be a lot; either。 One year; a girl dropped her token; a small wooden ball; while she was at her plate; and they literally had to scrape bits of her off the ground。
My armˇs pretty good; I might be able to chuck some rocks in there and set off what? Maybe one mine? That could start a chain reaction。 Or could it? Would the boy from District 3 have placed the mines in such a way that a single mine would not disturb the others? Thereby protecting the supplies but ensuring the death of the invader。 Even if I only blew up one mine; Iˇd draw the Careers back down on me for sure。 And anyway; what am I thinking? Thereˇs that ; clearly strung to deflect any such attack。 Besides; what Iˇd really need is to throw about thirty rocks in there at once; setting off a big chain reaction; demolishing the whole lot。
I glance back up at the woods。 The smoke from Rueˇs second fire is wafting toward the sky。 By now; the Careers have probably begun to suspect some sort of trick。 Time is running out。
There is a solution to this; I know there is; if I can onl