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第143章 走了 (1 / 3)


“your holess,the unt has explicitly structed you to be ore restraed tely and not to act rashly, as not to affect his pnsif you sist on gog agast his wishes and disrupt his pns,he will not acknowled you as his n”



“why does y father always dare not oppose the uncil of elders?we are not what we ed to be now;our strength has greatly creased,and we are no lonr afraid of anyone!”



“your holess,you are not fully awarewithout the support of the uncil of elders,we siply cannot acplish any grand pnstherefore,it is right not to terfere with the unt's pnsthis is for the long-ter terests of our entire secti hope you can understand and ply”



“after i help y father fish,i will go and settle aounts with these o”




“i thk you should go see your untthere have been any voices opposg hi tely,and i' afraid the uncil of elders ight abandon your side”


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